Everybody knows that it is wrong to do certain things and that we are obliged to do certain other things. It's wrong to steal, and you should give up your seat to pregnant or older women. It's wrong to lie, to commit adultery, and so forth. Our conscience informs us of these things and more.
Not everyone wants to obey their conscience though. Some would rather ignore it and enjoy the pleasures of their actions. I hope you want to obey your conscience, and a step further I hope you want to shape your conscience by reading what God considers as right and good.
So far, we haven't hit the spiritual mark yet. You don't have to be spiritual to know right from wrong, and you don't have to be spiritual to want to do right. It does help though...
You know that you have the Spirit at work in you when you find yourself growing in your ability to do what you want, when what you want is what is good.
A caution though, being able to do right (on its own) is not necessarily spiritual. You can do things without the right attitude and foundation. Your good deeds should stem from love and grattitude for God who has saved you from your sin, Jesus taking the punishment you deserve.